
Wednesday 21 July 2010


I’ve not been doing much of note and so haven’t been moved to blog but I’ve read plenty!!! Summer hols are on their way and like Sue at the quince tree I am looking forward to it!!!!  I only have one and he is low maintenance. If you haven’t read Sues latest entry do, its so funny and kind of exactly what I’m thinking too. I have one pre teen boy who is interested in NONE of the fabulous activities that I hear other super mums knock out on a daily basis.  I Won't go on for fear of duplicating her excellent blog. Suffice it to say I WILL be laying on compulsory cooking classes for him as per Her suggestion. Bloody good idea Sue!!



Craft wise I have made a few squares for SIBOL (you can find out about them if you follow the link at the side) I like to make squares that are for a theme and these are for the seaside theme blankets. They get stitched together by a smashing lady, Sue who then gives them to the elderly. Mmm, I know, lovely. She's made 18 so far 5x5 squares.

beach hut

I’d happily share the instructions but they're easy really.


The garden is coming on well and by that I mean the veggies. Imagine my surprise when I went ferreting. Very tiny but boy can I already taste it.



Corn IMG_1709

Beetroot IMG_1710

Broccoli, carrots and of course weeds!!


Enjoy what's left of your week and if you have holidaying children at home, good luck with that!!


Hello to you if you've never visited before you are very welcome, I love to meet new folk and chat.


  1. Hi Louise ,love your SIBOL squares ,they are super.
    I know what you mean about the hols. My 10 year olds have already started to turn their noses up at organised activities ! I'm sure I will get loads of "Muuum,what are we doing today...I'm bored " though :0)
    At least the lazy mornings will be great .
    take care Jacquie x

  2. Your squares look great on your blog. I do hope you have a good holiday Louise. 6 x 6.
    School hols come round so quickly I always loved my time with my children at home.
    Wish they were little again. Thanks for everything by the way,
    Love to you, take care Suex

  3. Hello again! Your seaside squares are super! Love them! Also you vegetables are growing so nicely!! I can't wait until my mum and I get our allotment at long last.. when ever that will be! My chickens have settled really well and laying.... one egg a day! Ruby's feather have grown back and she loves to preen them!!!
    Lucy xxx

  4. those squares are just amazing! they put mine to shame! :) Love your garden!

  5. I LOVE your SIBOL squares, the little fishes are adoreable! Looks like your garden is still doing fab. Our's unfortunately has been cooked by the heat we are having. I hope teenager has a wonderful summer break!
