
Monday 26 July 2010

Anniversary weekend

We celebrated 18 years of marriage on Sunday. I’d like to tell you I was a child bride but that would be frankly wrong.

IMG_1715Mr H gave me this. Sniff sniff.

I am beginning to refer to things having “happened 20 years ago” or “ married for 18 years!” or “ before we had children 12 years ago” It must be a sign of advancing years. I’m only 42 and in my head about 18!!!! Any way we had a lovely day Mum and Dad came and we had lunch and dinner with them. After lunch  Mum and I visited a local garden  under the National garden scheme. It was Goldsborough Hall.

IMG_1716  IMG_1718

A house with royal connections and a chequered history but  being used as a Hotel today. It was lovely and obviously a work in progress.


We had a barbecue for dinner, a whole chicken, my peas and potatoes and ratatouille also done on the barbecue. I even made a pud (which I cant show because it was eaten really quickly) It was cherry clafoutis. Made with cherries from my tree.


Now I began blogging properly on 20th January and with the encouragement of so many of you I am still here. I can’t tell you how wonderful I find this, how much I appreciate and love you and how much I look forward to what happens next. I will try though. THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU!!!! Especially to Sue, Sue and Louise who have been with me from the start making comments and generally being friendly and fun. Cheers Ladies.


  1. How COOL! Happy Anniversary! My parents recently celebrated their 50th late June. I hope You and yours have many happy years as well!

  2. Wow! 18 years is impressive and still getting pressies too!! Lucky you :-)

  3. Congratulations Louise!
    Doesn't time fly by!!
    My Mom and Dads Anniversary on the 26th July.
    Would have been 57 years I think!
    Hope good summer for you both (all).
    Love Suex

  4. Happy wedding anniversary! I am glad you had a nice day!
    Lucy xx

  5. That's just great! Blog friends make blogging fun huh? Louise was my first comment ever, and Jenni at Baame kniits... it's great stuff! Have a lovely week!
    p.s your ring is beautiful... how romantic!

  6. Hi Louise - haven't seen you around for while. Just popping by to see if everything is ok? Hopefully you are just caught up in the swing of summer hols.
    Take care,

  7. How COOL! Happy Anniversary! My parents recently celebrated their 50th late June. I hope You and yours have many happy years as well!
