
Friday 16 March 2012

Knit relief

Hello lovely friends. I just wanted to start by saying a heartfelt thanks to all of you who made such lovely comments on the granny stripe blanket. Its very much appreciated.

Moving on I want to draw your attention to the button on the right hand side of this post.

The button will take you to an eBay auction that is raising money to go towards sport relief. In the UK, Sport relief is a branch of Comic relief which was started Richard Curtis (writer of Blackadder and many others) His wife Emma Freud (journalist and presenter) is also heavily involved and has received an OBE for her services to this charity. Their Daughter Scarlett has devised knit relief through her blog Teen Granny. Her blog is all things crafty and I recommend it. She asked likeminded people to contribute a hand made item to be sold for this charity. Many people have chipped in some very fine crafted items and barely a day in, bids are flying in.

I made this,


see if you can find it.

Bless you all, happy weekend.


  1. I found it! I found it and I have placed my bid! :) x

  2. thank you SO much for your lovely brooch :) I am Amanda who bought it and I have been proudly wearing it every day since I received it on Monday :) I'll post up a photo soon on my blog of me wearing it but I just wanted to let you know how lovely of a gift it was to receive. The little Easter eggs in their basket were absolutely adorable and made my day :) I will be avidly following your blog from now on :)

