
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Not dead

Why is it that I am so bad at sharing whats going on? I did think that I was doing better but no.

Anyhoo this is a flavour of what I have been getting up to.

Just in time for the weather turning lovely and warm we decided to rip old fire


and replace it with one that matches the furniture.



This has been something that I have hummed and haarrd about for 5 years. Its done now!!

I have been inspired to make a new super colourful blanket for picnic season, its huge and has been nice to be underneath during the chilli spell but we are having a heat wave here, well less freezing snap.


I love it, bright colours are not really me neither do I do random colours, far too stressful so I have copied Attic 24. I say copied I did leave out the Fondant colour, didn’t fancy it.


Granny gorgeous but oh heck all those ends!!!!

I have also made some baby clothes



My friend Louise and I also did a Valentine inspired swap, my things have yet to materialise Stateside but look what I got……


Pretty stamps


Gorgeous wraps


Fabric, buttons and stickers.Drum roll please brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The most lovely HAND MADE quilty hanging. I swear it is so perfectly made, the hand sewing is microscopic. I want to hang it next to the new fireplace so I can look at it always. I’d love to have a go at a simple (ish) quilting project as Louise has sent me other fabrics in the past too and I would love to do justice to them. Anyone got any good ideas?

I will try not to let it all stack up and attempt one a week, hope you have enjoyed the catch up.



  1. Love the new fireplace - looks gorgeous (we're about to take the plunge and replace our ancietn gas fire wih a small woodburner - it is exciting isn't it?)
    The blanket looks fab - you have been busy - and I can't wait to see what you sent (I'm sure it is just as gorgeous as the parcel you received)
    I know what you mean about not getting round to posting - I'm pretty hopeless (though I have found that drafting posts in advance helps as I never seem to have enough time, to write them and take photographs and post them in one sitting)

  2. You are too kind with your lovely comments regarding my quilt. I've just recieved your package and I am in awe! I feel like my package was a bit skimpy, with so few items in it.
    Love your new fireplace, but your old one was seriously beautiful too. Wish we had fireplaces like that on this side of the pond. Silly question, but is it a proper working one? What type of fuel does it use?
    I've emailed you about pattern suggestions, let me know what you think.
    Have a great day,

  3. Hi Louise,
    hope you are okay. You have been busy. We are soon to start decorating the house too. So behind. Nice to see that gorgeous blanket of yours! A fantastic range of colours,
    Love Suex
