
Friday, 27 May 2011


We’re on 48 hours notice here at Lally towers. Lovely lad has been invited to a fancy dress party at a fellow dudes house. Party will include watching Doctor Who and food. What more could a 13 year old boy want? I am informed that there will be girls too!!! Heck I feel old, especially as it doesn’t finish until 10 which is my bed time plus, no wine for me cos I’ll be on the pick up. Harrumph.

So what must I do in the interim? Make the gosh darned costume is all. He wants to go as Tron. Don't ask.


I have been presented with a small plastic guy with clear instructions to paint his decals onto a black shirt that I had to first track down. Everything has short sleeves and I struggled to find the prescribed long sleeved crew necked black t shirt. Needless to say I found one in gap (25% off) but then forgot to get the salad and chicken for Sunday. Don’t worry readers because I will have to go back and get a birthday gift for this chap, I am informed.


All this because, and they were listed for me, I have made so many dress ups for him in the past. Culminating in the Hulk T shirt recently.


I only do it dear readers because the thought of paying 39.99 for a toys r us slash comic book shop version makes me want to puke. So for less than a tenner T is Tron and I get to have a dry Saturday. It’ll do me good, I’ll be so full of beans on Sunday that the garden won’t know what hit it.



  1. You are too good! I hope the dudes have a fantastic chilaxing party! Sounds fab. I am having great trouble leaving comments on blog buddies blogs lately! Very frustrating.(Inthesky)

  2. You aren't the only one!
    These kids do challenge us Louise!
    Goodness me, I've done my fair share of pick ups. Once New Years Eve I remember picking up from a club. Hated it because the drunken lads started climbing on my car!
    Now for the test.lets see if we get this through!
    Love suex

  3. Anonymous said...Well you're do far better than I would! Lads only become more challenging the older they get. I wish they'd stay little forever.
    Hope your boy has a fabulous time and I am certain the costume will be amazing - you're one talented lass ☺
    Have a great weekend.
    Love Louise

    PS Blogger is being a b*gger so this may be posted as anonymous - but it's ME over in Cumberland.
