
Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Garden leave

Here in the UK we have enjoyed unseasonably good weather. I had to to an emergency toenail paint as I abandoned my socks and put on the Berkies.


Mum and Dad came over so I was made to “get on with it Louise” Mum brought me peas, beetroot, lettuce, onion and corn. So I put them in plus some salad crops. Do you like my veggie tombstones?


We suspected some cool nights so I tucked up the peas in a little homemade fleece tent. Very Oregon trail don't you think. I used water pipe as its stiffer than hose and pushed 20 cm dowels in each end then pushed 3 of them in the soil over 2 rows of peas. I am chuffed to bobbins with them (translation: pleased)


The weather is on the turn now so I will move into the green house and pot on chilli and peppers.

Thank you for all your lovely comments on the hello rabbit. It reminded me more of Miffy but I suspect my son doesn’t remember her. We are on Easter break now and I have a request. It seems you were all so good at solving my itchy eye problem (dog cast out herbal remedy taken) Do any of you have teen boys? We would like a fun project, any ideas?

Cheers lovelies, we hope the sun continues in your corner for as long as you want it.


  1. Your toenails look beautiful, I must get mine done! I have a teenager!! He is sending me grey. Have you checked out Ticketty Boo's site her post on Geocaching looked really good. Also I know a friend's teenage son has just got in to Astronomy, you could try there is a 'Stargazing live Activity Pack' you can download, also 'Bang goes the theory' is supposed to be interesting. We have had some beautiful clear starry nights, wrap up warm though. :) And BEWARE the Truth is Out There! (Thinking X Files Music

  2. I Lurve my Birkenstocks! They are THE most comfiest things ever! Love your little "Tombstones" too!

  3. I just cant believer that we had weather recently that was good enough for sandals!!! Astonishing isnt it??!!

    The garden is looking very promising, love that little tent for the peas! I love fresh peas - no need to cook them, just eat straight from the pod!


  4. LOVE your tombstones! Very cute. Must get cracking on my own garden.
    Sorry I'm short of ideas for teenagers. My two at 13 mostly enjoying slothing around glued to the tube. Although the older one did enjoy cooking and gardening.
    PS thanks for the reminder (with your toes) that my feet and legs need to get prepared to come out of hibernation :-)

  5. HI Louise, I hope you are having a good break.
    Cant help you there I'm afraid.
    what with two girls!
    love suedx

  6. I must get on with my garden too (though I despair - it is either too claggy to dig, or like concrete - it reminds me of pears - only a brief moment where they are perfect - but a long time of not ripe enough or too ripe).

    Re teenage boys - have you checked out Steve Spangler's site? If you dig beneath the sets for sale they do have a number of tutorials/instructions for some quite cool home science experiments.

    Also my 11 year old (boy) and I found a cool fabric panel with a space themes (looks like photos) which he is going to cut up, sash and turn into a lap quilt for himself (though I may be more grey by the end as he has done virtually no sewing before). Though sewing might be too uncool for a thirteen year old boy...

    (the fabric is Benartex Space Fabric Hope the link works......)
