
Monday 3 January 2011

Birthday wishes


I just wanted to start my new bloggy year by sharing with you a proud moment for our family. Our wonderful, amazing, gentle, funny, huge son Thomas was 13 on the 2nd. I can’t believe how fast the years have passed. I remember very well being 13 myself!!!  Would you believe that he was so tiny when born 5 weeks early? Me neither. I made his cake this year and iced it with the more is definitely more philosophy.


Happy birthday lovely lad!!!


  1. Happy birthday to your son! They grow up so fast. I find it hard to believe that mine are 31 and 32. The years just go so darned fast :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Thomas!!! Your cake is fantastic!! I hope you all have a great 2011!
    Lucy xx

  3. Happy Birthday, Thomas! And if you can't do "more, more, more" on your birthday, when can you?


  4. Hope Thomas has had a great birthday - still a couple of years to go before my eldest becomes a teen. However, my three year old is three going on seventeen!!!

  5. Congratulations to Thomas!
    A Teenager! golly where does the time fly to.
    I bet it doesn't seem 5 minutes!
    Heres wishing him a happy 13th year!
    You. ....well I hope you have a very creative one, lets see some more of your wonderful work!
    Hugs suex

  6. Happy Birthday to your boy!!!! The Big Teenager! They grow up entirely too fast.

    Love your new blog header too!

  7. Happy birthday to your son! Loved reading your blog :)

  8. Happy birthday to your son! Loved reading your blog :)
