
Friday 10 December 2010


I made this too from stash , leftover tree and last years wreath moss ring. It cost me nothing but time and very enjoyable time it was too.


I have also made these too for gifts for friends. I used this recipe from good food magazine, the only change was chocolate was also added. They have resided in my freezer for a while, part cooked until nearer to Christmas when they were cooked again and packed up ready. I am all for a home made treat for family and friends

        IMG_0546 IMG_0548



  1. You've got a real talent there for the old wreath and floral decoration creation Louise. Those yummies look tasty too! ;)

  2. Your Wreath is super! I think that home made presents are the best!
    Lucy xx

  3. Hi Louise!
    It has been aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages since I've stopped by and I have no idea why I have not been to visit! I thought just then, I miss Louise a bit! i wonder where she has been! Where have I been more like it!
    i just noticed that you put pear and strawberry coasters in your sidebar... I may need to go and make some immediately!

  4. Wow! That wreath looks super professional. I think you might have missed your calling! I can't get over how amazing it is. Well done.

  5. Beautiful! And I never thought of part-cooking cookies for the freezer - what a brilliant idea! Those I freeze come out soggy. Thank you!

  6. Beautiful! And I never thought of part-cooking cookies for the freezer - what a brilliant idea! Those I freeze come out soggy. Thank you!
