
Wednesday 7 July 2010

Thinking bout Christmas

I think about Christmas a lot and do try to get a head start on things but this takes every biscuit in the barrel. Anyway I came across this site that organised an event for the whole of July.


I paid what turned out to be £20 (sterling) $42 Aus. For that I get a new project EVERY DAY. There has not been a single one that I haven’t wanted to do. The projects are mostly sewing (it is a quilting shop after all) but they are making Christmassy things from non Christmassy fabrics which I love. I wake up every morning thinking “I wonder what I will get today” So far there has been gift bags, ornaments for the tree, a hanging, a stocking, a table runner, a wreath and a tablemat for Santa's cookies and milk. I will be sure and show you anything I make.


This plus a few other distractions have meant not much hooky. I made the union flag as a paper pieced quilting exercise. I had never done it before but its quite effective if you can get your head around it. I want to make a cushion. You know the decorative kind and not one that you let your husband lounge on. After that I knocked up a frock (as we say up here in the North) because I couldn’t get one to fit my substantial bosom. Sorry, too much information but its a real problem. I am hoping that as I lose weight they might shrink. Sorry no pics yet but I will try to show you. I have not done dressmaking for  ages but needs must.



This is my so far granny jacket that I mentioned here. I cant decide weather I love it or hate it yet. I need to persevere with it. You start with a hexagon and both me and my friend Louise  could not for the life of us work out how the heck it folded into that shape. It just does, you just have to make it and it will. Unfortunately the outer rows take more than a 50g ball so I will have to get more yarn even though I bought enough . I will show you as I progress further .

Today I mopped until  I could mop no more then I hoovered and ironed so this afternoon I played. I have made a new project bag. I used a Sainsbury carrier for my pattern. The idea came from this site and was easy to follow  although the pocket for containing the bag is no good. My fabric is too bulky. I think I will crochet a pouch for it. Watch this space



  1. Never done any paper piecing, just machine pieced when making quilts, etc. I must be brave one day and have a go.

  2. Just LOVE your cushion, but I agree, definitely keep it away from lounging hubby and teenagers! I haver never tried paper piecing either, it just sounds way too complicated! Your carrier bag is fab too, I was just wondering about making myself another bag for my knitting and I like the style of yours.
    Have a great day!

  3. ooohhh.. thanks for the link to yarnartist! I'm confused about whether the granny jacket is adult size or childsize as it looks rather teensy. Are you able to clarify? :)

  4. I like the colors of the Granny Cardigan, I think this will solve my winter sweater dilemma.

