
Friday, 4 May 2012

Not inside crochet

A little while ago I became utterly overexcited about being asked to crochet professionally. The editor of Inside crochet magazine asked me to make one of his designs and submit it to the publication. It was primarily to cut down on time spent posting things as he lives in Canada. I spent weeks doing, undoing and redoing a lovely garment which I sent off at Easter and which they have been sitting on since. Well, today I have heard they have gone bust and that it wont be published. I was going to have my name in it too.

I had waited ages to show and tell as I was worried about people seeing it before publication but as it wont be in…… How would you like to see the finished piece?

photo 3

You may remember I showed you the yarn. Its from knitshop colour blue green. 60% cotton plied with 40% wool. Its lovely, I used 5 balls and was sent 10 so got to keep the remainder.IMG_0234

The collar


The back




The fancy hem.

I blocked it all  too. I even block granny squares, it makes a world of difference to a finished piece.

This garment is a cover-up for over a swimsuit.

The guy I made it for is trying to get it back so that he can try to get it into another publication so we might see it in print but lets not hold our breath.

I am sad that a moment of notoriety has not come my way but that is nothing to the loss of income for those concerned. My heart goes out to those people.

Anyway I do hope you have enjoyed seeing it, it was challenging and hugely enjoyable.